Friday, December 31, 2010


This year, I bashfully admit, we sorta talked Smunch out of participating in Cub Scouts. I'd hated his first year and after switching dens, Daddy took him for his second year. Daddy loathed it. Smunch liked it, but when push came to shove, he just didn't like it enough to torture his parents into it. We didn't push him to drop out, he just knew we didn't like it and apparently that was good enough for him. Besides, he wanted to play basketball in addition to soccer and baseball, baseball and baseball. It seemed like a lot more than we really needed to sign ourselves up for.

So, what did I do? I went and signed Mam up for Daisies. For those of you as old as I am, Daisies are now the youngest class of Girl Scout. They start in kindergarten and are Daisies through first grade, after which, they become brownies. I never loved Girl Scouts as a child, but I know how much Mam likes to spend time with her friends and I figured it would be good if she had the opportunity to see what it was like, at least. So, we signed up, even though she'd missed the first year.

For the holidays, the Daisy troop first went to Build-A-Bear at the mall. They each stuffed a bear to give away to a child in need. I thought the idea was lovely, but in practice a bunch of 6-year-old girls were a little confused about why they had to give up the bear they'd already fallen in love with...even though it had all been explained to them. And while I was relieved to find out that Mam wouldn't be bringing home another stuffed animal, I thought the whole thing was a little sad, even if it provided a valuable lesson.

Next, I signed Mam up for cookie decorating and caroling around town. She had a grand time decorating cookies with the guidance of Cadet scouts...or maybe they were just Girl Scouts, but the uniforms have changed so much since I was a Girl Scout that I can't tell anymore.Then they went around town caroling. Thank goodness for the Cadets! Most of the Daisies don't read particularly well yet and I'm not sure there was a lot of singing going on on their parts, but it was a fun afternoon for them. There's Mam, right next to "her Sarah". Remember that? Her Sarah appeared in the very first post on this blog. And what do you know, they're still thick as thieves!

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