Friday, December 31, 2010

Signs of the Season

It's taken me a long time, but I've finally gotten to the point where I don't take my camera with me everywhere anymore. When we do something on a yearly basis or more often, all the pictures look alike after a while. And these are no different. In our town, the Festival of Lights Parade marks the beginning of the Christmas season. It takes place on the Sunday after Thanksgiving. It's always crowded and this year it was especially cold as well. But the kids love this event and I just can't bear to disappoint them. I loved this parade as a child too.

The key is to go early and put out chairs to reserve yourself a space. And by early, I mean about 11am for the 6pm parade. You don't have to sit in your chairs. It's the kind of town where you can just leave them there. They'll be there when you get back. Well, we forgot this year and Daddy went down there sometime around 2:30pm and found just enough space for two chairs. And that was good enough. In fact, it turned out to be better than good enough because the kids sat on our laps and kept us warm while we waited for the parade to begin.I looked back at last year's pictures before starting this post and I even took pictures of the very same floats. It's a funny thing, how you can repeat yourself over and over without really realizing it. I guess the same floats are just as whimsical and beautiful year after year.I think a nighttime parade makes for an even better spectacle than one in the daytime. Even the marching bands wear lights on their uniforms and instruments. Everything is sparkly and that much more fun.And then I remember...oh gosh, the holidays are coming and I haven't even gotten started yet. Thank goodness those Christmas photos for the Christmas cards are out of the way!

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