Monday, June 1, 2009

Strawberry Season

The end of May was extra super busy with the end of baseball season, my planning a big event at school and our myriad regular activities. When Memorial Day weekend came around, I was thrilled at the prospect of a three day weekend with little to do. Of course, there wasn't little to do. I don't strictly remember where Saturday and Sunday went, but we were busy. By Monday, I was dying to go do something fun and stop getting things done.

A friend had recently reminded me of a farm about an hour south of here where you can go to pick strawberries at this time of year. So, we piled in the mommymobile and headed down there. I was a little disappointed at the number of other people who'd had the same idea for Memorial Day. I thought the field might well be picked over. Happily, I couldn't have been more wrong.Not only were there plenty of berries, but there were lots of really BIG ones out there.Both Smunch and Mam had a great time picking berries. Daddy and I picked too. Daddy started complaining that the container was getting heavy. I didn't think he was wimpy, but I also didn't think we'd picked almost 12.5 pounds of strawberries!

We paid for our bushel and headed back to the mommymobile.We had a little picnic at the farm, including strawberries, of course! Did a little letterboxing...yay for letterboxes planted in places I was going anyway...and indulged in a little farm-fresh berry pie. Yummm! We did a little more letterboxing down that way before heading back up...but it mostly served to make the trip longer and slightly creepy. The second box we found was right next to a very elaborate makeshift shrine to the Virgin Mary. It had been built there in a county park after a woman claimed she saw the face of the blessed virgin in the bark of a tree.It was very strange in the middle of the woods by the lake. Lots of people paying their respects...none of them speaking in English. So much for stealth when hunting letterboxes. Our little family stuck out like a sore thumb!

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