Monday, June 8, 2009

Now, where was I?...

All I really know is that I had blog posts piling up in my mind, but I've forgotten what most of them were about. It's too bad too. I know there were some funny little tidbits in there. I made a lot of strawberry jam after the events of the previous post, for instance. It's yummy and I was happy not all the strawberries went to waste.

Then, we had the Peter Rabbit 1st grade play, in which I'm happy to report, we had our own adorable dancing carrot. Mam was ever so proud.Daddy and I were too, of course. I'd been told about these they're just felt and slip right over the kids' clothing, but I was in no way prepared for how cute they were. Here's our Smunch carrot, right in there between the radishes and lettuces.I'm a little bummed that he didn't go for a speaking role. I think he would have done well and it really would have boosted his self-confidence, but to have missed out on the carrot costume??

Then there was the big evening Cub Scout Pack event where Smunch was awarded his badges and belt loops for the year. Such a farce. His den didn't even complete the requirements for their Tiger badge. But they got it anyway. I'm skeptical as to whether those boys will ever really finish those requirements, but I don't really care. Smunch didn't know any better, so whatever. And, as you can tell, he was really awfully happy!I was less enthusiastic, but still happy that he was thrilled.

It was such a crazy exciting week for our Smunch and there's more, but I think it deserves its own post after all. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. Look at YOU, you skinny little thing! Cake decorating has moved my rear end into the next size up. Oh...and maybe the chocolate chip cookies, too. ;>)
