Saturday, January 3, 2009


There were a lot of questions about Santa this year. Smunch has been feeling skeptical. It makes me a little sad. This year, I booked our local Santa (through Parks and Rec) to come to our house for a visit. I thought if there was anything that might restore Smunch's faith, that might be it. Santa arrived, fortunately early since we'd booked his very last visit at 8:30pm. The kids are often out cold by then. But he and his elf showed up just after 8. It was kind of fun, but it was hardly a rip-roaring success.Smunch surprised us all by asking for an electric train for Christmas...something he changed his mind on later, necessitating another Santa visit at the local mall...which was just as well since I love to have all the photos since 2004 of the kids with Santa at the mall. You can see my commemorative post about that last year, where I posted each of the photos. Here's the latest addition.This time, Smunch asked for a bank that would count his money for him and Mam wisely reiterated her request for a Mariposa Barbie. She also had me write Santa a note asking for a rainbow maker.

So we've got plenty of photos with Santa this year. Here's hoping Santa's magic lasts for another year or two...

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