Monday, November 12, 2007

Farewell to the Green Geckos

It seems like soccer season just started, but Saturday was Smunch's last game already. The team tied the Green Dragons 6-6...which is the best they'd done all season. They weren't the most talented team out there, but Smuch seemed to have a lot of fun...even when he was more interested in reporting the score to his teammates than he was in where the location of the ball. Of course, the highlight of the entire game was the trophy he got after the pizza party.

Unfortunately, the sky opened up and poured rain on us during the pizza portion of the afternoon. Still didn't spoil the trophy though. Any soccer season is a successful season if there was fun to be had and a trophy to show for it, rain or not. And, Mam? I think she probably considered it successful just because it rained!

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