Wednesday, November 7, 2007


I'm not sure when Halloween went from a one-day event to something more than a week long. It seemed like we had non-stop, festive activities. It's nice that the costumes get a good work out, but *phew*, I'm kinda glad it's over!

This year started off with a couple of Las Madres events...a party for Mam's group and our annual pumpkin patch visit and pizza feed for our friends from Gavin's group. I'd already bought a bunch of cheap pumpkins at Safeway, so I considered it a success that we made it out of the pumpkin patch with nothing more than our own photographs. And pizza was fun. Sometimes I forget how nice it is to get together with our "old friends".

We continued our week with Halloween itself, which included the Halloween parade at Smuch's school and the Halloween concert at Mam's preschool. Naturally, the two events overlapped. Daddy and I ran from the parade to the concert.

Gavin was a skeleton this year and Mam was a queen...or a princess...or a little girl with a velvety blue dress and a crown. Whatever. It was a cute costume, even if I bought it last year when I just couldn't decide which costume to buy for Mam and bought two! It was a little shorter than I'd anticipated.

The parade was cute and the concert was fun. Unlike her brother was in preschool, Mam was totally into performing on stage. She sang and did all the hand motions. It's a lot more fun when you see your kid enjoying herself! There are a lot more kids on the stage them you can see in this picture. There were about 100 kids singing. They have three of these concerts every year. Now I'm really looking forward to the holiday concert and the "Spring Sing".

The day ended with two of the cutest and most enthusiastic trick-or-treaters around, leaving all shyness at home and bolting out the door to every neighbor's house within reach. They had a great time...and came home with lots of candy. According to Scott the woman at the next-to-last house they visited told the kids they were cute and gave them each five pieces of candy. At the next house, Mam, failing to say trick-or-treat at all, was compelled to say:

"I'm cute! But my bag is heavy. Can I have just one piece please?"

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