Monday, August 20, 2007


By that title, I mean 2 days pre-K. Smunch starts kindergarten in just two days. Today, we went to the kindergarten's "lemonade social". We had taken a peek in his kindergarten room over the weekend, but today gave Smunch and me a chance to meet his teacher for the year. He also got a school water bottle and a cute little apple-shaped name tag that I'm supposed to remember to stick on him before his first day of school on Wednesday.

His teacher, Ms. Britton, seems nice. She seemed teacherly...if that's a word. She was sweet and enthusiastic to meet us. I liked that.

I was actually feeling pretty O.K. about the whole thing until I saw a little girl who was born around the same time as Gavin. She was discharged from the NICU the same day Gavin was born and admitted. I think it just reminded me how far he's had to come. And today's speech therapy appointment reminded me just how far he has to go to be on par with his classmates. Yeah, it kinda freaks me out.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I can make it out of the play yard before the tears come on Wednesday.

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