Wednesday, August 22, 2007

First Day of Kindergarten

Today was Smunch's very first day of Kindergarten. I'm pleased to report that we all held up pretty well. Daddy and I walked him the entire oh...five minutes to school, where we waited for the morning kindergarten kids to be reunited with their anxious parents before we could enter the playgound. We took some of the obligatory photos while waiting...

Smunch in front of the school sign.

Smunch waiting with his over-caffeinated, slightly anxious, but dry-eyed mommy.

Smunch peering into his new classroom to see if he could see his assigned seat. He couldn't, but he thought the classroom was pretty neat.

And finally the teacher rang the bell and they had all the kids line up to go into the classroom. Naturally, there was a lot of milling around and uncertainty. Smunch looked a little concerned. I suspect he knew we were going to leave and he wasn't quite sure if that was O.K. or not, but he didn't cry. And neither did I.

And then they were into their classroom. It all went so smoothly that I wasn't really concerned about him. I happily spent my time paying a babysitter to chat with me and shopping at Trader Joe' myself!

I picked Smunch up just after 3 o'clock. We'd seen one of his pals in the morning class leave in tears, so I was a little worried that he'd lose it when he saw me. But he was happy! He was happy to see me, but he'd had a great time at school. I'm truly thrilled.

I mean, don't get me wrong.I'm still a little anxious about how this year is going to go for him, but the great start makes me really optimistic about it. Hopefully, YouTube will get its site back online and I'll be able to post some of Smuch's thoughts about his first day of school too.

Interestingly, Smunch was also more relaxed and his speech was more fluent tonight than it's been in a long time. Tomorrow, of course, will be the true that he knows exactly what to expect when I drop him off!

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