Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Twilight Hiking

I've been able to take a nice hike before or after dinner several evenings lately. The light is so nice around 8 o'clock. I've been sick today, so I didn't really get out of the house until around 7. I realized too late that I hadn't brought my camera...except then I realized that I'd also failed to take it out of the car, so I had it after all. (Being a slob has its perks.) And I finally took it with me. Couldn't have been a better evening for it.
See. It's not only my children I take photographs of.
I like handsome young guys as well...

Hardly anything special about seeing a few deer at this place. Maybe they are kind of like rats or pigeons of the local meadows, but they do look a lot more regal than the regular ol' vermin.

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