Friday, May 25, 2012

Sunny Sunol

I don't always carry my camera on hikes, but it was a lovely day to head out to the East Bay and if I'm going to carry it, I'm darned well going to take some pictures. I've wanted to head over to this park for a while now, but with baseball and softball and everything else going on, it's hard to find the time. It gets pretty hot over there in the summer. I think I might've found one of the last best weekends to go.
Sunol Regional Wilderness has a lot going for it...lovely wooded areas along the creek, vast meadows of oaks, craggy outcroppings, cave-like rock formations to scramble around on and steep climbs to sweeping vista of the entire Bay Area from San Jose to Mt. Diablo.

I was so taken with it that I forgot about the areas I initially wanted to explore and headed for the hilltops instead. Gives me an excuse to go back.
And I didn't quite end up where I wanted to go there either. Despite having a map and trying to make it to the furthest reaches of the park, I ended up at Cave Rocks, which was also pretty cool...literally and figuratively.
I didn't stick around for too long though. I had other adventures to attend to!

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