Friday, August 12, 2011

San Diego Comes to Visit

Maybe we were just in San Diego, but that doesn't mean that Aunt Karen didn't bring the boys up here just a couple of weeks later for a visit. It works out pretty well to do things this way. She can spend lots of time with our parents while we feel like we got to see them quite a bit over the summer.

We didn't do a whole lot. Gram was sick most of the time, so the kids hung out together, getting on each other's nerves intermittently, but never willing to go to their separate corners. We took one last outing to Happy Hollow on our family membership, which expired at the end of July. It's probably just as well. My kids seem to be outgrowing it to a large extent. Its sort of sad to see. I didn't take them there nearly often enough when they were smaller.

Smunch was particularly impressive on this little excursion. When neither Mam nor SPENCER! was interested in doing things that Lucas could do, they ran off to the playground, while Smunch joined Lucas for a ride.Ohmigosh. Could that be any cuter? It's a little shocking just how big Smunch is compared to his newest cousin. Even as a small kid, he's just so BIG!

Smunch also took a ride with SPENCER! once we could convince SPENCER! that Smunch would really like to spend a little time with him too. It looked like they both had fun.It has long been the case that Smunch gets left out when it comes to visiting with SPENCER! Spencer and Mam are much closer in age and have more common interests. Smunch and SPENCER! don't really have much in common other than being boys who are cousins. Their personalities are very dissimilar. SPENCER! is much more like Mam in his level of enthusiasm and fearlessness. So, it's really pretty awesome to see Smunch taking such an interest in Lucas. Wonder if he'll manage to turn him into a baseball fan...

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