Friday, April 29, 2011

Hippity, Hoppity Holiday

If you're not the religious sort, Easter is pretty much all about the Easter Bunny. That's sort of silly when you think about it, but it gives the kids something to look forward to. Mam started asking about Easter at least two weeks before the day arrived.

The kids woke up early and took it upon themselves to dress in their Easter best...which was pretty cute and pretty funny. Probably not quite what I would have chosen, but then, my parents decided to go to San Diego for Easter this year. That meant it was just the four of us. And it meant that no one was here to be disappointed that I hadn't cooked a breakfast extravaganza or used my best china. There was no pressure and it was a decidedly low key day...except for the egg-hunting, that is.We didn't dye eggs this year. I'm the only one who will eat hard boiled eggs, so I didn't see the point in wasting them. The Easter Bunny left markedly fewer plastic eggs around the yard than in previous years. There were complaints that there wasn't enough candy. There was plenty of candy. I still anticipate throwing out the majority of it, like every other year.

I was thrilled to see our big rose bush had burst into bloom right on cue. This has got to be one of my favorite plants in the whole yard. It's just so darned pretty and I do very little to keep it that way. Our cat, Oliver, was fairly desperate to join us and since he's learned to open the back door, he almost did...I didn't take any pictures of breakfast. We'd picked up some cinnamon rolls and bear claws at the local bakery. I scrambled some eggs and Daddy cut up some fruit. We ate on our everyday plates. It was yummy and totally nausea inducing. I had to take a nap afterwards.

Daddy and I fully enjoyed the day. No baseball games, no practices, no one to entertain. But at the end of it all, Mam declared, "It didn't even feel like Easter!" I don't know what was missing for her, exactly, but I'm inclined to try and keep it this low key. My gosh, it was a nice change...and honestly, I think the kids had a pretty good time, don't you?

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