Friday, December 31, 2010

Christmas 2010

Merry Christmas! It didn't feel quite so merry when Lucas woke up at 3am. And it was even less merry for Aunt Karen when Lucas proceeded to puke all over and need a full clothing change. It didn't feel quite as merry as I would have liked when my own kids got up at 5:30 either. We convinced them to go back to bed. At 7:30, my parents, who had decided we must be to busy to call (or something) just showed up and everyone had to get up...for the old people. Huh.Naturally, the rip-fest started shortly thereafter and didn't end 'til every package was open. In a big shocker, Smunch got a lot of San Francisco Giants merchandise, including World Series videos, a framed photograph or two and a throw blanket. He even got a life-sized Tim Lincecum sticker for his wall...and a more-than-life-sized sticker of himself batting. I was happily suprised that Mam was overjoyed to get a few Zhu Zhu pets. I didn't know she even knew what they were! She also loved her new ladybug-themed bedding.A neighbor of mine had dropped off about a pound of fresh pecans that he'd gotten for the holidays. Oh gosh, how awesome. And they were even more awesome when used in our Christmas cinnamon pullapart. I always make this when Aunt Karen is here, but it's so darned good that I've taken to making it for Christmas even when it's not.Since we had nine people eating this year, I made some cinnamon roles too.Yeah, I kinda drowned them in cream cheese frosting, so you can barely see them, but they sure were yummy! We had a nice almond coffee ring, scrambled eggs, bacon and sausage to go with that. Once breakfast was over, it was time to try out the new toys. SPENCER! had a new Big Wheel from Santa and my kids, of course, had their giant guns.I think these great big guns look especially menacing when wielded by a little blonde-haired ragamuffin in a pretty green Christmas frock.

Daddy got a new toy for Christmas too...a Parrot AR.Drone quadricopter that he can fly with his iPhone. Its first flight wasn't super exciting, but I hear it's been a blast to fly outside.It rained for the rest of the day, so there were no more trips outside and that's just as well. We did NOTHING. And that was nice.

1 comment:

  1. OMG, send me the receipe for that pull apart! That looks scrumcious! Looks like you guys had a super fun day! Merry Christmas!
