Thursday, November 4, 2010

1, 2, 3 Strikes You're Out...Trick or Treating

Halloween Day was crazy. A while back, I skipped out on my final day of cake decorating class to take the kids up to meet Aubrey Huff and Pablo Sandoval up at the ballpark. Although the teacher of the class is almost comically mean to most of the students. She seemed to like me (as much as you could say she liked anybody) and offered to let me join the last class of her next session. It happened to be in the middle of the afternoon on Halloween.

And since it was the last class, that meant I had to bring a fully baked, filled and frosted cake to cover in fondant and decorate in class. Now, had I known when I started this project back in September, that I'd being making this cake on Halloween, I would have made the base orange or black or something, not yellow. And if I'd known it would be the first ever Halloween where the San Francisco Giants were playing in the World Series, I would have decorated this cake in a more appropriately festive way. But, here you go.I zipped right home after class, thankful not to have to face that particular teacher ever again, but happy to have learned a few things.

When I got home, I went back to work on that pumpkin I mentioned a few posts ago. This was the finished product...done long before the trick-or-treaters showed up this time.I zipped back out when I realized I had nothing quick for the kids to eat, came back, baked a freezer pizza and warmed up some chili from the freezer (for the grown ups). Got the kids all dressed, made up and looking...well...creepy.But, but, but...the Giants game was already on. They'd had a disappointing 4-2 loss to the Rangers the previous night. For some reason, the promise of a truckload of candy was more interesting to the kids than the fourth game of the World Series. Nevermind that their 21-year-old rookie pitcher, Madison Bumgarner, was on the mound. So, Daddy left with the kids while I finished off my dinner, then joined them down the street...where Daddy's iPhone was broadcasting the game from the end of various driveways.On my way out, I left a bowl of candy at our doorstep and as I walked down the street, some kids came up to the doorstep. From my vantage point on the road, I could hear the boys saying, "Wow! It's a Giants pumpkin. Mom, Mom, come look at this! It's Brian Wilson!" Coolest overheard comment. EVER.Unfortunately, we were joined by one of Mam's more obnoxious classmates, who screamed TRICK OR TREAT at the top of her lungs before each door was opened. Smunch complained bitterly about the rude little girl, but I didn't know how to extract ourselves, so we tolerated it. Worse yet, I didn't get to listen to as much of the game as I would have liked because I had to be polite and chat with her mother...who is actually a very nice lady.

We made it home in time for the kids to eat some candy before bed and to finish watching Bumgarner's masterful 4-0 shutout of the Rangers. After all, how could the team in orange and black lose a World Series game on Halloween?

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