Friday, September 17, 2010

Cabers and Falcons and Kilts, Oh My!

A couple of weekends ago, after our first soccer game of the season, we decided to take a leap into the Scottish Highlands and visit the Highland Games in a town nowhere near the actual peaks of Scotland. It turns out, the event is kind of like a county fair, only with kilts.

We arrived just in time to watch some telephone pole throwing (caber toss)...and the throwing weights over the high bar (weight for height contest)...The kids enjoyed watching the sheep dog competition.Mam loved visiting the Clydesdalesand the Highland Cattle.We even stopped by a very crowded falconry presentation. The kids seemed to enjoy that too...or maybe it was just too packed for them to plan an escape.We missed out on a lot of things...visiting clan tents and the Highland dancing among them...but we had a lot of fun and now we'll have something to go back and see next year.

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