Friday, August 20, 2010

The Return

Remember those school supplies I mentioned? This is what I returned to.All those paper towels and such are the things I've been schlepping from Costco all summer long. The boxes are the ones that were delivered in my absence. All these things have to be divvied up an delivered to the proper classrooms. So what did I do?Took Smunch to a baseball game, of course. He opted to skip going to a game in San Diego in favor of watching his second place Giants play the division-leading San Diego Padres in San Francisco right after we got back.

We had great seats, Timmy was pitching, we got to see Buster Posey hit a home run and Andreas Torres make a spectacular catch. But it was a miserable game. For the first time ever, Smunch asked to leave during the 7th inning. Final score 8-2. The highlight might've been having Amy Gutierrez, the sportscaster for CSN broadcast from our section. And really? That's not very exciting!Fortunately, I didn't face the mountain of boxes at school on my own. A good friend came on Monday and helped me meet the request by the 3rd grade teachers to get their supplies early. Then I went on my own on Tuesday to deliver supplies to the last 3rd grade teacher. My army of volunteers showed up on Wednesday and Thursday and the job was quickly dispatched...despite a lot of glitches in the order. Many odds and ends to tie up. May I feel less need to volunteer this year!

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