Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Plugged Back In

While we were camping in Lassen, Smunch was constantly frustrated by the lack of reception on Daddy's iPhone and iPad. There wasn't just a little. There was NOTHING. So, everytime we took a little drive around the park, he had Daddy know, just in case he could find out how the Giants did.

So, it was no huge suprise when we stopped for dinner at the Olive Garden in Redding that we had to get the lowdown on the past couple of days while the Giants were playing the Dodgers. And we listened to bits of the game (which they lost) all the way home, in between listening to the entirety of The Incredible Journey on the car stereo. I think Daddy and I enjoyed it more than the kids did.

Not too long after we got back, however, Smunch and I were back at the ballpark to root for our team in person. I dropped Mam off with my mom for the day and Smunch and I headed to the train station.I got our tickets and it was still another 15 minutes until the train, so over Smunch's protestations, I stopped at the café on the corner and got a cup of coffee. When it comes to timing, the little guy gets super stressed. He was very concerned that stopping for coffee was going to make us miss the train. But it took about 5 minutes. No problem. We headed back across the street, to the tunnel under the tracks. As we were going under, I heard a train whistle and mentioned it to Smunch. He didn't believe a train was coming. I knew better, but I was a little concerned, especially when I saw the train pull up at our platform. Smunch started to run. Weighted down by a backpack full of water and sloshing my coffee everywhere, I tried to follow him.

He jumped on at the first door he came to. I was still a ways behind. The train didn't stay long. I got my hand through the door as it closed and pushed my way in...then had to pull my backpack in after myself. We both sat down immediately and I tried to chill out for our ride to the city. Turns out, of course, that the trains were running really late. So, the reason the train was early was that it was the train before our train. Our train was only moments behind and the engineer blew through all the stations the way he had at ours and even expressed through the last few. We weren't going to miss the train after all.

But, we got to San Francisco with lots and lots of time to spare before the game started, so I stopped at Panera and picked myself up some lunch to avoid scarfing too much ballpark food. Smunch got himself a little treat (a "pumpkin muffie") too, of course.It was foggy when we got there, but I've been around long enough to be prepared. It's late July in San Francisco. Don't forget the sweatshirts!

We kept our sweatshirts on for most of the afternoon, but we had great seats in front of the visiting bullpen out in "Kville" where we could easily see how many stikeouts Madison Bumgarner notched. And it turned into a beautiful day.Well, beautiful as far as the weather went anyway. The Giants were playing the Florida Marlins. And that part didn't go so well. This guy, Anibal Sanchez, was fantastic. He's one of their pitchers and that kinda meant the Giants didn't really hit the ball. And that they lost 5-0. Bleh.

But an afternoon at the ballpark with some PB&J (he's decided he doesn't like ballpark hot dogs...say what?) and an astronomically price carton of Dibs...and some parental attention all to himself, does make for a happy Smunch. And a happy Smunch? Makes for a much happier Mommy.

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