Monday, August 16, 2010

On the Wild Side

If you live in California, you already know it's been an exceptionally cool summer, temperature-wise. That was the case in San Diego as well, so it made for an excellent summer to go to the San Diego Wild Animal Park...which has recently been renamed the San Diego Zoo Safari Park. We decided to give Aunt Karen and break and took SPENCER! with us while she and Uncle David went to a doctor's appointment and hung out at home.

It made for a long, fun day at the park! We started off in the lorikeet enclosure.Then we headed to the tour of the Serengeti, my favorite part of the park and the most Safari-like.Our own little animals were pretty happy and cooperative too.So many things to see and so little time.One of my other favorite parts of the day was when Smunch and I got to spend some time in the aviary while Daddy took Spencer and Mam to try and find a missing baseball hat. Usually, we just walk through the aviary and see a bird or two, but when you really spend some time in there, you get to see how cool the birds actually are.And with my modest background in raptor rehabilitation, I was thrilled to see the little burrowing owlslooking as irritable as ever. And my first glimpse of a California condor in real life. How very cool!Speaking of cool, we didn't leave the park until almost 5:30 and Aunt Karen had dinner all ready to go when we got back. How awesome is that?

1 comment:

  1. Watch out National Geographic, another amazing photographer is on the rise!!!! Killer pics!!!! We took Trinity to the San Diego Zoo, but never had the chance to take her to the safari part...looks like it's amazing!!!
