Friday, August 20, 2010

Mission Bay and Cupcakes with a Side of Baseball

Initially, we'd thought we might head out to some waterslides on our last day in San Diego, but upon further investigation, there was so little than SPENCER! could do in a place like that that the kids reconsidered and decided to spend the day with their cousin rather than doing one of their very favorite things. It was a sweet moment. So, instead, we joined Uncle David and SPENCER! at the park at Mission Bay while Aunt Karen went to an appointment nearby.I hadn't seen a dome like this one since elementary school. The kids loved it, especially Mam. SPENCER! was pretty excited too.Mam was also very happy to pose on top of this climbing structure.After spending some time at the park, we headed for lunch. About that time, I started fielding phone calls from the shipping company that was delivering the school supplies I'd ordered for the kids' school at home. The delivery guy was at the school, but no one else was there to let him in. Greaaat. So I ran around like a crazy woman for a few minutes, taking calls on my cell, taking calls on Daddy's cell, getting access to my e-mail on Daddy's iPhone, looking up the principal's cell phone number. After a slightly frantic 15 minutes or so, it was all taken care of. We had lunch, then went to the pool in Aunt Karen's neighborhood. I didn't take my camera, so no pictures, but it made for a mellow afternoon.

And after dinner, we visited this rather fantastic place:Because what could be better than a combination of cupcakes and baseball? And oh, they were fabulous!I hadn't even intended to get one for myself, but it was oh-so-good! The kids agreed.

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