Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Shortly after my last post, in February, I had a night out with my fantastic group of friends from high school. We're all still friends and we all live roughly in the same place, so we manage to get together from time to time.I've known one of these women since before kindergarten, one since kindergarten, a couple since later in elementary school and a couple since high school. We all went to all different colleges. We all do totally different things. Five of us are married. Two of us have divorced and two of us are single (not the same two!). Five of us have children. Only two of us have boys. I only have one third as many boys as the other boy mom. Two of us are stay at home moms (maybe not coincidentally, the two boy moms). Four of us work in jobs at least tangental to biotechnology. Four of us have masters degrees, including two MBAs. One of us has two masters degrees, one has a JD, one has a PharmD. Only one of us has lost a parent, although we all know the time is coming. None of us are children of divorce. As of yet, none of us have produced children of divorce either. We are all the eldest of two children. Four of us have younger sisters. Three have younger brothers. Four of us went to school in Boston for a time..although not quite at the same time. Among us, there are 10 children ranging in age from 1 to 8. I'm not sure were all done yet. (For the record, I am.)

Despite, or perhaps because of all that, none of us went home that night until 2am. I had a great time, but I'm afraid I'm getting too old for that sort of thing. It's March. I don't think I've recovered yet. Did I mention that I'm the oldest of this bunch too? Funny how the older you get, the dearer your oldest friends really are...