Saturday, February 6, 2010


It's a little weird to blog about things that I wasn't present for. But sometimes it's fun to talk about things one of the kids really enjoyed, so I can remember it even if I can't remember being there...because I wasn't.

Aunt Karen and SPENCER! were here, so when some extremely generous friends (thanks again, They Call Me Mama!) gave us a pair of tickets to see the San Jose Sharks, I knew it was more than likely that Daddy would be going. And, of course, there was no question that Smunch would be going. He'd never been to an ice hockey match before and he'd been waiting for this particular Saturday night for months!

So, I did not go, but I did watch for my boys on television and Daddy thoughtfully sent me a few photos from his iPhone. They had great seats.And sometime before the game, Daddy was fortunate enough to have forward, Jody Shelley, flip him a puck, which immediately became Smunch's most prized possession. (Perhaps it's no coincidence that Smunch's 8th birthday party will be held on Mr. Shelley's 35th birthday...although really, it is.)Apparently, Smunch bounced on his toes for the first two periods of the game, but running purely on excitement and on so little sleep, he became awfully mellow by the last one. He didn't let o of the puck though.He was still psyched about the puck when he got home, wide awake around 10:30 that night.

Daddy really hadn't wanted to take him to the match. The sleep-deprived behavior that afternoon was pretty awful, but I'm so glad they went anyway. You just don't get that kind of opportunity every day!

1 comment:

  1. Every day, no, but again next year? Sure. Or if Smunch can't wait till then, Scott could get some tix for an upcoming game. They won't be in the 6th row, but there really isn't a bad seat in the place.
