Wednesday, January 20, 2010


With the kids getting so big, I sometimes feel like we're running out of 'firsts'. Know what I mean? I know there are still first dates and first kisses and all those things ahead of us, but I don't really want to think about those. I'm still in the phase of first steps and first dry nights. (Hey, could I order up some more dry nights already???)

Anyway, now that Smunch is firmly entrenched in the organized sports world, I didn't think we'd have a lot more sporting firsts. But here you go.That's our Mam...playing basketball, a sport her brother never ventured into. In fact, her mother never played hoops either, but "Coach Dan" asked if she might be interested in playing on his Y-ball team. Interested in basketball? Not so much. Interested in playing for Coach Dan? Absolutely! Turns out, the team is about half kids from the Blue Butterflies. After the first game (pictured above) they decided to call themselves the Hoopstars. Cute.Very little girls playing basketball are hilarious, it turns out. There aren't many skills that really transfer from soccer. It's all very different. The girls seemed to have a clue during practice, but I think that all went out the window during the game. One got the impression that they were just excited to have the ball and very excited to be bouncing the ball, regardless of the fact that they weren't moving and weren't near any basket in particular.Mam spent much of her time as pictured above, with her arms in the air, clapping her hands to say "Let's get it going!" or "Pass it to me!" or "Hey look, I'm clapping with my arms in the air. How cool!" It was hard to know, but it was funny. In the end, the only girl on their team to score was one who has an older who plays basketball. Final score? It was a tie - 6 to 6.

The 8-foot baskets are still mighty high for all of them. There was shooting, but not a lot of successful shooting. And no one seemed quite sure what to do about all those opposing players trying to block them.

For our part, the fans had to sit on the floor, scrunched along the wall. Hardly comfortable or inviting, but close to the action. Maybe too close!

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