Sunday, December 27, 2009

A Hunting We Will Go...

The weekend following the grand photo shoot was devoted to finding the perfect Christmas tree and getting it up and decorated. This was, of course, an imperative because I was hosting a holiday cookie exchange party on Monday morning. Because I'm crazy. I am.

This year, we set off on our own to find a tree, with Gram and Grandpa deciding that they were having a hard enough time readjusting to life and a tree just wasn't necessary for them this year. I think they missed it though. Here's hoping they're feeling up to the trip next year.

We tried a new Christmas tree farm in the local mountains. Turns out, this was it's last year of operation, so we won't be trying it again, but it was a successful trip nonetheless.We found a suitable, mostly symmetrical too-tall tree that Daddy cut down and we hoisted with great effort onto the top of the mommymobile, where Daddy spent the next half hour securing it, while I sent Mam off on several very important missions to collect pine cones.Although we'd managed to get yet another 12-13-foot tree, the trip home was uneventful and our tree was up and decorated the same day.Since then, we've entertained a lot of questions about how we got that tree in the house, how we got it home, how we decorated it, how long it took to put the lights on. I think we must've had more guests over than in previous years, because this sort of tree has been a regular in this house since we moved here 4-1/2 years ago. Tall ceilings are fun. We haven't had to be all that careful about the size tree we've chosen. We have yet to max out the room, but there'll doubtlessly be a first time. Just wasn't this year.

With the tree up and other decorations adoring the fireplace, there was time to build a nice, toasty fire and get a few holiday-worthy photos. What a fun time of year it is when you have a couple of little kids!Nothing says "Christmas" quite like reading a book next to the fire and a giant glittery tree.

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