Sunday, December 27, 2009

The Grand Tea

At Smunch's school, it is tradition for each of the second grade classes to do a recitation of The Velveteen Rabbit, followed by a formal tea party. Not surprisingly, this very cute event turns out to be a ton of work for volunteering parents. And somehow, it turned into an event where I felt like I was moving half my china cabinet to the classroom.

Of course, I have a lot of stuff and judging by the frequency with which I use that stuff, there's really no reason why I shouldn't take it to school for a bunch of second graders to have tea. Still, it made me a little tense to know that my late mother-in-law's silver sugar tongs were there...and a bunch of silver plate spoons that aren't tremendously valuable, except that I really like them! I supplied a couple of tablecloths, 48 plates, backup spoons, napkins and homemade English shortbread. I set up and cleaned up. Thankfully, Daddy was there to supply a very bored Mam with some iPhone entertainment.

And in the middle of all that, I held my breath while my dysfluent son recited his memorized lines in the story at the appropriate times. He did a great job and I was really proud of him. It's not so much that he memorized the lines. That seemed to be pretty easy for him. And it's not because he didn't stutter. He did, although not much. I'm so proud that he doesn't let that stutter stop him. He never once said that he didn't want to participate. He bristled a couple of times when Daddy and I suggested ways to make his speech smoother, but ultimately, he did it all himself. He might not have been quite as expressive as some of the other students, but he was great to this oh-so-impartial mommy.

And the tea was a lovely, if crowded, little event. It was held right there in the classroom, so the kids got to sit at their "tables" with white tablecloths and full tea service while the adults stood around. The spread of food was appropriately tea-like, with finger sandwiches, scones and mini muffins.Although Gram had just had her latest tooth implant procedure (the one that still has her in so much pain), she joined us for the festivities, making for a terrific photo opportunity.It took a cart for me to get all my supplies back to the mommymobile...and just in time for me to go by the kindergarten yard to help make some "gingerbread" houses for the kindergartners to decorate the next day... The second graders would be having the same party. Thankfully, it's the party marking the last day of school before the holidays. But gosh, the kids are having a great time!

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