Monday, December 28, 2009

Gingerbread Parties

One of these years, I'll decide that our elementary school's gingerbread house decorating parties are no longer blog-worthy. After all, it's pretty much the same thing year after year. Every child in every grade gets to construct a house out of royal icing and Graham crackers, then decorate it with as much candy as they can pile on there.

This was the first year where I could volunteer at two different parties and since I find it hard to choose between my two children in these situations, I ran back and forth between their mercifully close together classrooms. I made frosting, supplied gumdrops and helped with construction in the second grade class...before zipping over to the kindergarten to help Mam decorate her pre-made house.Mam's regular glasses were in for repairs and a prescription change (to something lighter!), so she'd been wearing her brilliant blue Rec Specs for about a week and a half at this point...going oh-so-nicely with all her cute holiday dresses. There was a reason she had no glasses on in her photo with Santa.

I zipped back to Smuch's classroom in time to watch him load up the center of his house with as much candy as he could...learning very little from his classmate whose house felt apart from all the candy pushing on the walls.In the end, it was a cute little house, which got dropped on the ground as Smunch tried to wrestle all his stuff out of the classroom at dismissal. Although I promised we'd repair it, I'm not even sure where it ended up after that afternoon.I imagine I'll find a very stale, dilapidated house in a shoebox somewhere in the coming months.

Mam also finished decorating her house...not without an added ceremonial hat.She carefully added a lookout bear on the roof.Lookout bear didn't make it home either, but he met a different fate than Smunch's house...devoured by a fierce predatory reindeer.

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