Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

It's late, but I hope all you mommies out there had a happy Mother's Day and got to sit back and relax a little. Turns out, I'm not that good at taking it easy. I've always got too much I want to get done.

My day started with the flowers in the photo above. And continued with breakfast at a local restaurant that has one of my very favorite breakfast dishes...banana french toast with caramel/brandy/pecan sauce. Yum!!! Daddy took the kids out to play a little baseball while I dug around in the garden after breakfast. Unfortunately, Smunch came home with a bloody, fat lip after fouling a ball into his own face. That took a little sparkle out the day and out of the Smunch for a while. BUT, it meant he got to have Jamba Juice for lunch and well, what's better than that?

We picked up Jamba Juice and headed out for a few hours of really unsuccessful letterboxing. I don't think my record of finding letterboxes has ever been worse than today, when I found just two out of five. Bleh. At least one of them was pretty cool and had a fun clue. The lost ones were drowned in puddles, lost in abundant foliage or just plain missing, as far as I could tell. Still, it was a beautiful day and we were outside. I couldn't complain that much.

On the way home, we stopped for some free bowling. I signed the kids up for this awesome program called Kids Bowl Free. It started at the beginning of May and runs all the way through the summer. They can bowl two games a day from now through mid-September for free, including shoes. And, because it was pretty cheap, I bought a family pass so Daddy and I can go with them as often as we want. This was the first time we'd used the program and it was flawless. Daddy and I had fun and the kids had a blast. Maybe by the end of the summer, Mam won't be throwing her bowling ball straight at the kiddie bumpers anymore!

We wrapped up the day by Daddy fixing a lovely dinner of fettucine with garlic chicken. It was yummy and the wine was good. The season finale of The Amazing Race was on tonight...a great way to settle into the evening, even if my favorite team didn't win. At least it was my second favorite team.

As you may have noticed, I left my camera at home today. Sometimes, its nice to go out and experience a sliver of life without feeling the need to record it all in pictures for posterity. I guess that was my way of taking it easy today!

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