Monday, April 6, 2009

Hippity Hoppity Easter's on Its Way

Yes! You've guessed it. It's the Easter Ribbit! Mam brought home this little art project, courtesy of some rather creative preschool teachers. It makes me laugh, even now.

Saturday was one of our favorite local Easter events, the downtown Easter Egg Hunt. It's not really a hunt so much as a scoop. It started at 10. Mam and her friend needed to be at a birthday party at 10:15. No problem. Smunch, Mam and Mam's birthday party buddy scoped out the scene before the starting siren went off.Smunch was excited about this event, but it didn't show a whole lot. He was largely subdued, especially compared to his bubbly little sister. He seemed very mature, sitting on the bench waiting for the police car (with siren) to come by and announce the start of the hunt.The kids are only allowed to scoop up five eggs each. Most parents do a decent job of enforcing the quota, but plenty of them don't. Still, we had a Pump It Up party to get to. Although Mam was off like a shot when the siren went past... and although all three kids were thrilled to check out their eggs and eat a few Jelly Bellys...there was no problem at all jetting out of there and zipping off to the party. And Smunch had to run home and change into his baseball uniform. The start of a busy, busy weekend!


  1. I remember last years pictures. They look so much bigger this year!

  2. Fun! Once again, Mam is dressed so darn cute!
