Saturday, March 28, 2009

Sing, Sing a Song

I try not to blog a whole lot about all the school performances and such. After all, they aren't tremendously interesting to anyone except family. And honestly, they're not that interesting to family either. But Smunch's "Spring Sing" was on Thursday. It's a big deal where grades K through 3 each perform three songs in the multi-purpose room of the local junior high school. It's always packed with standing room only and parking is generally a nightmare, as is the traffic after the show.

The picture above is the entire first grade at Smunch's school. Only one person showed up without the pre-requisite shirt and that was easily taken care of. The most striking thing to me was that Smunch was singing! His mouth was moving, he was smiling, he knew all the hand and arm movements for everything. He's never shown that much interest before, so that alone made the show worthwhile for me.Unfortunately, there wasn't much at all that made the show worthwhile to a bored little Mam. A couple songs she recognized by the kindergartners and a wave to her brother - those were fun. But by the time the third graders got up on stage, she'd found two of her preschool friends and they were hopping across the back of the room together. Standing room only, remember? No room to hop, but that didn't stop them.She annoyed me mercilessly by continually kissing my shoulder, giggling, loudly playing "I Spy" with her friends and complaining she was hot. I'm relieved to know she won't be with us at this event next year.

Next year, she'll be up there too!

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