Saturday, January 24, 2009

Snow in January?

I wonder how the folks in Minnesota would feel about this. This is one of the playgrounds at Mam's California. This is the one they normally call "The Beach". But no, that's not sand. That's snow. Considering that it hasn't snowed here since I was Mam's age...and it didn't look anything like that even's sort of bizarre to see the sand all covered with the cold, white stuff.

This is one of those things that might happen only in a place like upscale suburb where too many people have too much money.The school declared Thursday and Friday "Snow Day" and had someone come blow the play yard full of snow. Of course, the staff and volunteer parents didn't get away without some hard work either. They built sled runs, brought sleds, supplied a bunch of carrots for snow men and supervised hundreds of preschoolers, some experiencing snow for the first time.

It was magical, despite the overcast, drizzly weather.

Although Mam took one run on the sleds, she preferred to make snowmen with her friend, Jessica.It was nice that she got to have this snow day, considering that I bought her a snow bib after the failure of snow pants in the Sierras. This may have been her only chance to wear it before next year (fortunately, it's that big).

It was only half an hour of snow time, but all the little kids were so cute and there wasn't a single one of them sitting around doing nothing. They all had important business with the snow.

From time to time, the excesses around here make me roll my eyes with something between disgust and jealousy. But today, the excess was just plain fun.I bet there are some folks in Minnesota who would be thrilled if we brought a bunch of outdoor heaters and turned one of their playgrounds into a beach for the day. Don't you?

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