Sunday, January 4, 2009

Outdoors for the Holidays

A visit from my sister is hardly complete without a trip to the local open space preserve. Our dad used to take us out there regularly when we were kids. Back then, no one else really seemed to know about it. This time, we felt lucky to find a parking space in one of the five parking lots they constructed since our childhood. Our dad and my kids' dad joined us. Grandpa rode his bike along with my kids on their little bikes and SPENCER! on a borrowed tricycle. Karen, Daddy and I walked.

The ultimate destination of this bike ride/walk is a city-owned working farm. It's not quite as active as it was when I was a kid, but there are still a bunch of animals out there and it's fun to see who's around each time. I, however, used the opportunity of being outdoors on a beautiful day to experiment with my Christmas present...a lot. Daddy and I met the rest of the crew on their way back from the farm.I had a lot of fun and learned a few things. I think there's a whole lot of room for improvement though!

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