Friday, January 2, 2009

Oh, Christmas Tree...

I'm easing back into the blogosphere slowly. Really slowly. In fact, I may try to minimize all the words and go for just the pictures for the next few posts. I had a lot of things I wanted to chronicle over the holiday and, as you'll have noticed, that didn't happen. I'm about to start blogging the holidays now that the tree and all the decorations have been taken down.

So, let's start at the beginning. Yet again, we went up to a tree farm in the mountains and cut our own Christmas tree this year. This is one of those traditions my parents always had and I can't quite leave behind. My parents, on the other hand, talked wistfully about getting a fake tree this year...until we swayed them by inviting them along on our little logging adventure.My parents are always speedy fast at selecting a tree. Daddy and I take forever to select just the perfect one, with me nixing a bunch of his picks and mine and him nixing a few as well. Generally speaking, this method pays off with a lovely tree. This year was no exception. We had a great tree. Here's Smunch giving it a final inspection on the hillside.And Mam, registering her opinion of our choice.She thought it was the perfect tree...or maybe she was just so tired of trudging up and down the hills in the waning chilly sunlight that any ol' tree was going to get the two thumbs up!


  1. I remember growing up with this same exact tradition, finding the perfect tree for Christmas. We loved it. The kiddos look like they really enjoyed this too!

  2. You guys are brave! You know what I looks WARM there!

    We need a picture of the final product! What a fun tradition. Gees, you are good about doing hard things just so your kids can have fun. Super Mom!

  3. This is the first year in a while where we haven't cut down our own tree, just got it from a lot. It wasn't as much work, but that's OK. Hopefully next year we'll head up to the hills again.

    SJ Honey Bunny (Christie)
