Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I know the term has gone out of style in a big way. And even if it hadn't, I'm not sure I could claim to be a housewife. I'm pretty good at procrastinating about or completely ignoring all things house-related. I'm proud of myself if I've got the day's dishes washed before Daddy gets home. If I get all the laundry done in a single week, it's a minor miracle. I don't strictly believe in making the bed. It's a little hard to make the kids think it's important when I don't. And don't even get me started on dinner. Generally speaking, I can't be ashamed of what I serve for dinner...because I just don't serve anything all that often. I am kinda embarrassed about that.

But...now that a couple of my contracts have run out, I don't have to spend every free moment upstairs on my computer trying to earn a little out-to-dinner money. I'm still doing a lot of volunteer work at Smunch's school, but even that's fairly light work comparatively. I'm so much less stressed and I'm having so much more fun! And you should see what has happened! Take this for instance:I know what you're thinking. "Gee, thanks. I so needed a photo of your closet!" But see, when we bought our house, we bought our first walk-in closet. Only we haven't been able to "walk-in" this closet for probably a year or so now. So much crap everywhere. But I threw out a big bag of stuff, donated a couple of bags of clothes and reorganized. I'm ridiculously happy every time I walk into the closet. Really.

And this:We also bought this really lousy pantry with our house. It's really poorly designed. It's hard to find stuff. Hard to get things out. The shelves can be knocked off without too much effort. It still doesn't look strictly "neat", but it's so much better than it was a week ago. Ah, the things one can do with a life of leisure. Now off to do more laundry!


  1. Wow, that's like a Home Depot commercial!! Uh, so when are you visiting us and doing that to our closets and shelves? Our walk-in closet isn't so bad, but any of our hallway closets are a death trap poised to claim the life of any poor soul who dares open it...

  2. I'm all about organization! Every single closet we have in our home has a closet organizer...it's totally the way to go!

  3. Housewife...growing up in the 1970s in NYC, this term was downright pejorative. We're never going to be trapped in the suburbs baking cookies, we're going to have high-powered careers! When I got married and bought a house, I felt the women's movement had betrayed me: they never acknowledged how rewarding and fun homemaking can be. Then when you add children in the mix, nothing's more challenging. Or important. And now, I'm back at work again, wondering how I ever thought this was what my life would always be about. I'd be very happy to call myself a housewife now. And my closet would too!
