Monday, June 23, 2008

A Day in the Park

Aunt Susan graciously planned a day at Krape Park in Freeport. Part of this is her amazing hostessing abilities. Part of it is their annual excuse to pick up Kentucky Fried Chicken. Of course, the KFC is never enough. Susan also made potato salad and cake and brought watermelon. It was chilly out when we got there, but it was still a magnificent feast. And the park is really lovely, with a carousel...paddle boats...which have to be experienced with all possible adults doing the work... and a great playground.It looks like I spent a lot of time there taking photos, but I spent a ridiculous amount of time off looking for the six letterboxes that are resident in that park. It was a mistake. I would have had a much better time just hanging out with everyone else. I need to remember this stuff when I need to control my letterboxing compulsions. Still, it looked like everyone was having a good time, particularly Mam...

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