Friday, May 30, 2008

I looked the other way and then...

My college roommate came to visit last weekend with her family, including her three little girls. I don't know where the time goes, but we hadn't gotten together in two years. Thankfully, the time doesn't seem to make a big difference...except the kids change an awful lot...
Her youngest isn't in either of these photos. She was still a little larva when the first was taken and she just wasn't in the tree house for the second. Too bad the kids didn't see fit to stick their heads out in the same order as they'd done a couple of years earlier, but it's still fun to compare.

I'm thrilled at just how well all the kids got along. They spent a day and a half together. No fights, very little crying (if any) and a whole lot of giggling and running around. It was one of those long weekends that felt just exactly like a long weekend should be. Lots of playing in the yard, a pleasant dinner at an uncrowded restaurant, a nice time chatting after all the kids were asleep, a leisurely stroll around the farmer's market, some pastries at the bakery. And obligatory introduction to letterboxing for my friends' family, followed by a nice trip to Ardenwood Farm for a picnic, feeding animals and a wee bit more letterboxing, of course! We really need to do things like that more often...which might just require seeing the Cowles family more often!


  1. Are those SNAILS that the girl in the third photo down is holding? I was thinking that they are all as cute as buttons, but, well, ...yucky! (Maybe she is just from an area that is too cold for the little devouring monsters to survive.)

  2. Yes. Those are snails. My old roomie and I have always had a lot in common, being low-maintenance, earthy kinds of girls. Now we've both raised very nature-friendly kids who are all about exploring their slimy and leaf-munching as it may be. And, I'm pretty certain there are plenty of snails where they live too! :)
