Monday, March 17, 2008


No, it's not even spring yet, although the weather here might have you thinking differently. And the fact that daylight savings time and Easter both somehow got put in some preposterously early spot on the calendar. But I assure you. It's still winter. Really.

As if to completely disprove me, the merchants association in our town put on an Easter egg hunt over the weekend. Both Main and State streets (Yes, those are
really the names of our two main street. That's how quaint we are.) were lined with little plastic eggs.

We've been to several types of egg hunts. Our town even has a second one this weekend. Although the kids are very cute. Often dressed up in their little Easter outfits, all of the other egg hunts I've been to have been horror shows, especially for us. My kids are still kinda small, they're not really aggressive or overly competitive. At one hunt we went to last year, I think one of them actually
got an egg. It's sad and it's the most incredible show of greed I've ever seen. There are always instructions to take no more than 3 or 5 eggs. What accounts for all the 8-year-olds with baskets brimming over? I hate it. I'm boycotting from now on.

The hunt downtown is
way more fun. The streets are long enough that you can sort of find a place to hang out until the siren goes at 10am. You only get 5 eggs, if you play by the rules. Mam even voluntarily put one of hers back when she counted at there were six. Those are the kind of kids I have. It makes me happy. But what's even happier is that no kid who's there at the start of the hunt goes away without the maximum number of eggs. There are plenty and even the little kids get their share.
My kids aren't so little anymore, not compared to the first time I took Mam to this hunt.

It's funny to think about other parents feeling intimidated by my sweet little things, but I try to remember what a kindergartener looked like to me when I had a 2-year-old. Life is crazy that way. My kindergartener still looks like a sweet little kid to me. Just two years ago, I might've thought he was Goliath! Fortunately, he's still a least when it comes to littler kids who aren't Mam.

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