Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The history of the blue car...in Hieroglyphics

A few of you are familiar with my off-blog angst over Daddy making a rather "independent" decision to order a car that I did not approve of. Every fiber of my granola-ish being pulsating with irritation and every one of my penny-pinching Scottish ancestors rolling over in their graves.

And although Daddy replaced
my car, the aging but trustworthy Honda Accord (known as "the green car") that I bought with my very own hard-earned money, in the days when I actually earned the kind of money that would pay for a car, I finally realized that this decision was completely out of my hands.

I no longer earn the kind of money that pays for a car and apparently my "wife salary" (equal to every penny my husband makes) hasn't kept up with...uh...let's just call it inflation, inasmuch as Daddy's perception of his own ability to spend money without consulting me has become inflated.

But I digress. Smunch recently decided to chronicle the journey of said new car. It was described, in detail, on our driveway. It went something like this:

Translation: First the blue car was loaded on a ship to cross the sea. Note the residual outline of what appears to be a blue vehicle in the image that is clearly a ship on the sea.

Translation: Then it was loaded on a train to cross the land.

Translation: Many cars were unloaded from the train onto a truck for delivery to the dealership. Note there appears to be a yellow car being unloaded, suggesting that there was probably more than one car in the delivery.

Translation: The blue car was loaded on a truck for further transportation across land.

Translation: The blue car was parked in the parking garage of the dealership. Note the multiple levels of the structure, indicating a parking garage where many cars might have been stored.

Translation: The designated parking spot for the Red Van. Note the primitive lettering and the pink color indicating a vehicle other than the blue car.

Translation: Mommy, you clearly lost all your power over Daddy. This space reserved for the new car which is far more exciting than anything you'll ever drive, even though you couldn't care less. Note the grin on the artist's face. Doesn't that say it all?

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