Monday, February 4, 2008


I'm not generally a big fan of embedding video in my blog posts. Videos just have too much potential for making a hassle out of blog-reading. But, sometimes a picture really isn't worth a thousand words. This one never would have made a good still photo. 

Here's a little background for you. Smunch has inexplicably become a sports fiend. I don't know how this happened. Daddy isn't much of a sports nut. Grandpa made sure Smunch knew how to throw a ball. We signed him up for T-ball and AYSO soccer, but we're not a family that sits around whooping it up over the "big game" of the moment.

This is going to change. I can feel it. Smunch decided to root for the NY Giants in Superbowl XLII. And there was no stopping him. I wish I'd caught the game-winning touchdown, but I'll have to settle for this unadulterated glee at the touchdown that put the Giants ahead for the first time...with "still 11 minutes to go."

1 comment:

  1. At my house on sunday we were discussing the superbowl at lunch and even though John and I were going to a superbowl party later than day, I hadn't investigated who was playing yet, because, well, football is not hockey.

    Gavin informed me of the teams involved and shared a funny eyeroll at me with John.
    "Women!" John said.
    "Oh, yeah." agreed Gavin.
