Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Oh, the waiting...

I know it's tough for kids to wait for Christmas. All those presents...and the presents and Santa and the presents. It's been especially hard for our Mam since Grandpa Ryder brought his gifts last weekend. We dutifully put them under the tree, but perhaps that wasn't the best idea...

This morning, Daddy and I were taking a shower. Yes. We were taking a shower together. We have one of those showers with two shower heads. It seemed sorta kinky, sorta romantic when we bought the house. Turns out it's just practical. I don't need to get irritated when he's in the shower and it's been three days since I've made it there, but this is the only time I'll have to do it all day. I just hop in on the other side. But I digress...

We were in the shower when Mam came in with one of the presents from under the tree and the following announcement:

"I've waited long enough!"

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