Friday, December 14, 2007

A Day...or two...with Rascal

As part of Mam's preschool program, each of the kids gets to bring the class "pet", Rascal, home for a day. As part of that fun adventure, their parent is required to document the experience in photos and help the child add a page to Rascal's scrapbook. That meant we actually kept Rascal for an entire week while I struggled to make a trip to Michael's and get some doggie stickers to complement our photos.

On the upside, that also meant that Rascal got to go on many adventures with us. Somehow that didn't necessarily lend it self to terrific photos, but we had fun anyway. I wish I'd thought to take a photo of Mam's scrapbook page, but I didn't. Mam was thrilled to get her turn with Rascal. We took him out to barbeque with us, Mam threw him a tea party.

Mam read him (her?) books before bed and snuggled him to sleep. In fact, she rarely let Rascal out of her sight for the week we had him. She's never really had a special toy that she felt the need to tote everywhere with her, so it was especially cute to see.

As our grand finale adventure, we took Rascal to see the ophthalmologist with Mam. He sat very patiently in the chair and even tried on Mam's glasses for fun. I was a little worried about taking Rascal back to school. I kinda snuck him back

into the classroom while Mam was eating lunch with her friends. She didn't seem traumatized, the extent of her comment on it was to say "Another kid took Rascal home today." She didn't sound sad, but it kinda made me miss the little pup!

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