Sunday, August 19, 2007

If the kids say so, it was fun

With the necessity of spending some time with my parents in San Diego, we ended up packing all our "big" trips into just three days. On Monday, we took the obligatory trip-to-a-big-amusement-park. San Diego is littered with them, so it's almost required to visit at least one every year. And by the time we've gone through all of them, I imagine the kids will be ready to go back to the first one again.

This year, it was Legoland. We decided to go on Monday to avoid the weekend crowd. After we got back, one of AK's neighbors, who has season passes and was also there that day as well as on Sunday, said she'd never seen the park as crowded as it was on Monday. Go figure.

The kids were so thrilled to be at Legoland...because they'd heard about it from friends numerous times...that they didn't seem to notice that we waited two hours to go on one ride. One ride that lasted maybe 10 minutes...tops. At least Legoland is set up for this kind of catastrophe. They have a play area where the kids can go play with legos while their parents suffer the ridiculous lines.

It's not fun, but it's not nearly as miserable as it could be.

And before you ask, I haven't got the slightest idea why we decided it would be a good idea to wait in such a line. It looked like a fun ride. And it was a fun ride, but not nearly fun enough to make up for the agony of waiting.

We'd actually started our visit with a much shorter wait for a little boat ride that Smunch insisted he didn't want to go on...probably because we'd refused to let him play archaeologist in the dinosaur pit we saw as we came in. I figured we'd be stuck there all day if we caved. Obviously, the ride was O.K. with him once we were there.

And that...that was it for rides. We had lunch and we went to the water park section. Legoland's water park is awesome! It has this big "pirate's ship" with giant buckets mounted on the top that tip over periodically, drenching everyone underneath. It also has a couple of seriously low-key waterslides. All-in-all, that part was a little much for the kids. They went down the water slides several times...after Daddy gave up on staying dry, discarded his shirt and got in there with them, jeans and all.

They spent the rest of the time in the area made especially for little kids. Smunch largely camped out under the little, tiny bucket there, waiting for it to pour on him and running over to us with a silly grin on his face everytime he succeeded in getting dumped on.

After playing in the water for an hour or so, it was time to get going. We took the long route, through the city...

No, not that city! We're in San Diego, remember. But this is what San Francisco looks like made entirely out of legos. You'll have to use your imagination to envision New York, New Orleans and Las Vegas.

The kids claimed they had a fantastic time at Legoland. I don't know that Daddy and I really had all that much fun, but you know, it doesn't really matter, does it?

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