Monday, July 9, 2007

Let's Go Fly a Kite...

We had a little free time on Saturday, so we decided to take the kids for their very first kite-flying trip. I bought them a kite a little while ago, but it got lost in the shuffle (also known as the bottom of the linen cabinet) and somewhat forgotten. It was a perfect day for kite-flying...sunny and breezy, especially out by the Bay.

It turns out this was also a terrific way to bribe the kids into a trip to Costco, 'cause it turns out that's really boring! But after our fun little kite-flying adventure, we managed to get them through the store and home without incident...and just in time too 'cause Mam wasn't going to make it another day without more strawberry jam. And goodness knows we've got to buy that stuff in bulk!

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