Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Berry Picking!

Who knew there was anywhere around here where you could pay a bunch of money and pick your own berries? Well, someone did because she told me...and my whole mom's group. They scheduled a group outing to the berry patch, but it conflicted with Mam's last day of school, so we went on Saturday. Turns out it was a whole lot cooler than it had been on Thursday anyway.

We had a great time. The kids didn't even seem too bored after an hour and a half of picking logan berries, blackberries and raspberries. Of course, they ate a few here and there too. Mam didn't really want to pick her own berries. She just wanted to carry the basket and let me pick all the berries.

Perhaps the best part of the whole trip was the yummy berry pie we got to eat the next day. We might've spent $15 on berries, but when you consider it as entertainment for a family of four for an hour and a half, it's money well spent!

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